Influence of physical and mechanical properties of fractured-porous oil and gas reservoirs on the features of their development

UDK: 622.276
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-8-89-93
Key words: fractured-porous reservoirs, carbonate rocks, stress-strain state, wetability, productivity of wells
Authors: A.M. Svalov (Oil and Gas Research Institute of RAS, RF, Moscow)

The paper analyzes the influence of physical and mechanical properties of fractured-porous rocks (carbonate oil and gas reservoirs) on the features of the development of such reservoirs. It is shown that the productivity of producing wells drilled in carbonate reservoirs may depend on the sizes of casing pipes used for casing the wellbores. It is established that the thickness of the casing pipe walls affects the distribution of compressive stresses in the borehole zone of wells and their productivity. It has been established that the development of wells in carbonate reservoirs should be carried out taking into account the characteristic time of reservoir pressure equalization in rock blocks and in the fracture space, which can be determined by analyzing the results of hydrodynamic studies of wells. It is shown that hydrophilization of bottom-hole zones of producing wells in carbonate reservoirs, hydrophobic or with a mixed type of wetability, will contribute to the redistribution of two-phase flows of reservoir fluid, increasing the productivity of these wells. It is noted that hydrophilization of the lower part of hydraulic fracturing cracks in horizontal wells drilled in hydrophilic formations increases the productivity of such wells for oil (gas), preventing the premature formation of zones of capillary impregnation of the rock with water in the vicinity of the crack banks. It is shown that the dependence of the filtration conductivity of fractured-porous rocks on the decrease in reservoir pressure during the development of the deposit is determined by the configuration of vertical cracks in this rock.


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