Studying the possibility of using an in-well nuclear heat source to implement thermal enhanced oil recovery at a field with light oils

UDK: 622.276.652.001
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-8-73-78
Key words: nuclear heating, thermal enhanced oil recovery (EOR), steam-generator
Authors: S.I. Kudryashov (Zarubezhneft JSC, RF, Moscow) G.V. Sansiev (Zarubezhneft JSC, RF, Moscow) I.S. Afanasyev (Zarubezhneft JSC, RF, Moscow) D.A. Antonenko (Zarubezhneft JSC, RF, Moscow)

The issue of the possibility of creating an in-well nuclear steam generator (INSG) for the development of carbonate light oil fields of the Central Khoreyver Uplift (CHU) was investigated. INSG has key advantages - the effective operation period is about 8 years, there is no need for regular maintenance, there is no greenhouse gases emission, it does not require an external energy source (electrical or thermal), and steam generation occurs directly in the wellbore, which significantly reduces heat loss when delivering steam from the steam generator to the bottom of the injection well. The advantages of INSG determine the niche of their possible application - autonomously located fields (without access to external power grids and gas pipelines), where there are prospects for using thermal methods to increase oil recovery. At the same time, the low coefficient of oil displacement by formation water (about 0.5) creates the preconditions for the implementation of thermal enhanced oil recovery. In joint research and development work with Rosatom, Zarubezhneft JSC developed and patented devices for downhole steam generation. The heat source in these devices is radioactive elements that have been used up in nuclear power plant reactors. Currently, the use of a INSG is limited by the amount of available radioactive element - europium and the high cost of producing radioactive heat emitters, due to safety requirements when working with radioactive elements.


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