Study of geomechanical properties for the purpose of selecting the completion systems and optimizing the well drilling parameters at White Tiger field

UDK: 622.24.001.57
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-8-54-57
Key words: downhole equipment, tubing, production string, subsurface safety valve, nipple, packer, guide, pilot test, gaslift, well workover, 1D geomechanical model (1D MEM)
Authors: D.I. Varlamov (Research and Engineering Institute, Vietsovpetro JV, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Vung Tau) E.N. Grishchenko (Research and Engineering Institute, Vietsovpetro JV, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Vung Tau) O.V. Krukov (Research and Engineering Institute, Vietsovpetro JV, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Vung Tau) A.A. Baranov (Research and Engineering Institute, Vietsovpetro JV, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Vung Tau) V.A. Oganov (Arktikmorneftegazrazvedka JSC, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Vung Tau) I.V. Malevin (ZN NTC LLC, RF, Moscow)

Geomechanical modeling used to study the geomechanical properties of reservoir is an important tool for improving the quality of drilling and field development, as it allows optimizing processes and prevents potential complications. Geomechanical simulation provides optimum well trajectory, optimum mud density and circular density, optimum casing depth, formation pressure and fracture gradient profiles, intervals of instability and loss of circulation. The application of computer methods in geomechanics makes it possible to adapt and disseminate methods of mathematical modeling for the study of complex geomechanical processes. Prediction of sand production in the course of the development of formation parameters is one of the important tasks for the selection of well completion system. The use of geomechanical models in hydrodynamic modeling makes it possible to predict changes in the geological characteristics of objects under development and more reliably predict development parameters. Thus, geomechanical modeling has a significant impact on the life cycle of the field as a whole. This article discusses the use of geomechanical modeling in the construction of a well with a horizontal ending to improve the efficiency of the development of a section of the Lower Miocene deposit of the White Tiger field.


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