Organization of an integrated system for planning measures to ensure strength reliability of the line section of main oil pipelines

UDK: 622.692.4-192
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-8-9-15
Key words: organization, integrated system, planning, strength reliability, pipeline, line section, main oil pipeline
Authors: D.A. Neganov (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow) E.P. Studenov (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow) N.E. Zorin (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow) S.N. Zhulidov (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow)

The technical condition of main oil and oil product pipelines operated by Transneft PJSC organizations is characterized by a significant difference between individual sections by the period of operation, design parameters, loading, the degree of wear and tear of the electrochemical protection system, pipeline metal damage, etc. Ensuring the strength reliability (integrity) is based on the identification of those specific sections where the loss of load-bearing capacity or its reduction to a dangerous level occurred and where appropriate compensating measures are required; and in the remaining sections, the monitoring of the technical condition is organized using modern diagnostic tools. In this case, the technological efficiency of the overall package of measures taken will be determined by the reliability of the technical condition assessment and the economic efficiency, in turn, will be determined by their joint planning, which allows determining the minimum necessary impact on the pipeline to ensure reliability and safety requirements. The methodological basis of the action planning system developed by The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC is the fullest possible use of available data on the technical condition of pipelines. A complex system of interconnected multi-parameter criteria has been formed for each of the implemented compensatory measures, each of which, in fact, belongs to an independent scientific field, and to combine them within the framework of solving a single problem (ensuring economic efficiency) the common knowledge bases and data obtained as a result of research and diagnostic works are used. The next stage in the development of the integrated planning system will be the transition from a system of harmonized planning criteria to unified reliability and risk criteria for all activities, for which the necessary methodological and information base has been established.


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