Determination of the statistical intensity of secondary geochemical processes based on well logging data

UDK: 550.83+ 552.5 +553.98
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2022-1-16-20
Key words: well-logging interpretation, well-logging, secondary geochemical processes, superimposed epigenesis, indicators of oil and gas saturation, intensity of secondary processes, secondary kaolinitization
Authors: I.A. Melnik (National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, RF, Tomsk)

The relevance of this paper is associated with the need to determine the indicators of oil and gas saturation of the missed formations based on the data of well-logging. Secondary geochemical processes caused by superimposed epigenesis can be indicators of oil and gas saturation.  The purpose of the paper is to show the method for calculating the values of the statistical intensity of secondary processes based on logging data, its theoretical justification and empirical confirmation of determining the intensity of secondary kaoliniteization. The intensity of secondary processes of stones is calculated by the ratio of the amount of the studied secondary minerals to the study area and the number of allogenic minerals genetically related to the secondary minerals. To substantiate the equivalence of the intensity of the secondary process to the correlation coefficient between discrete samples of random variables of well logging data, the following postulates were introduced: the statistical intensity of the secondary process is equivalent to the probability of this process; the standard deviation parameter, as a statistical analogue, corresponds to the number of allogenic minerals; the statistical analogue of the study area is the sample array. Based on the introduced three postulates of the equivalence of statistical intensity parameters with a two-dimensional probability of secondary processes, an algorithm for calculating the intensity of geochemical processes based on well-logging data is theoretically substantiated. The objects of research are terrigenous reservoirs of the Mesozoic deposits. The paper compares the results of the innovative technology of statistical-correlation interpretation of well logging data with the results of petrographic analysis of core sections for the correspondence of the mineral content of secondary kaolinite with the calculated intensities of this process. For the hydrocarbon fields of the Tomsk region and the Yamal Peninsula between the samples of the intensity of secondary kaoliniteization and the content of secondary kaolinite linear regressions were obtained with the correlation coefficients 0.7 and 0.62 correspondingly.


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