Estimation of the inflow profile to the horizontal wellbore based on the results of thermohydrodynamic research

UDK: 622.276.1/.4
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2021-12-114-116
Key words: horizontal well, multi-sensor technology, thermo-hydrodynamic research, pressure change curves, temperature change curves
Authors: R.S. Khisamov (Tatneft PJSC, RF, Almetyevsk), N.A. Nazimov (Tatneft PJSC, RF, Almetyevsk), M.Kh. Khairullin (Institute of Mechanics and Engineering of Kazan Scientific Center of the RAS, RF, Kazan), E.R. Badertdinova (Kazan National Research Technological University, RF, Kazan), R.M. Khairullin (Kazan National Research Technological University, RF, Kazan)

A mathematical model to describe thermohydrodynamic processes in the reservoir – horizontal well system has been developed. It is assumed that the process of pressure distribution in the wellbore is quasi-stationary, the horizontal wellbore is parallel to the top and bottom, and the fluid movement in the wellbore is one-dimensional. The proposed numerical method for solving the direct problem is based on the conjugation of the external (in the reservoir) and internal (in the horizontal wellbore) tasks. For the numerical solution of the direct problem, the finite difference method is used. An inverse problem for assessing the filtration parameters of an oil reservoir is formulated. A distinctive feature of inverse problems of underground hydromechanics associated with the study of mathematical models of real filtration processes in oil reservoirs is that the nature of the additional information by the capabilities of the field experiment is determined. As the initial information, the curves of temperature and pressure changes are used, taken simultaneously by several deep measuring autonomous devices installed in different sections of the horizontal wellbore. The locations of downhole devices and their number taking into account the geophysical research of the well are selected (the technology of conducting thermohydrodynamic studies of a horizontal well using several deep autonomous devices). Solving the inverse problem based on numerical modeling and regularization methods allows to build an inflow profile along the horizontal wellbore, evaluate the reservoir properties of the bottomhole and remote zones of the reservoir, the radii of the bottomhole zones in the vicinity of downhole devices. The paper presents the results of thermohydrodynamic studies of horizontal well No. 18326 of the field of the Republic of Tatarstan.


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