Integration of lean manufacturing mechanisms in the construction of oil and gas wells

UDK: УДК 658.012.12:622.24
DOI: DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2021-11-136-139
Key words: lean manufacturing, digitalization, oil production, staff, kaizen, digital field
Authors: V.Ya. Afanasyev, G.A. Mikhalev (State University of Management, RF, Moscow)

For the past 10 years Russia has seen an active increase in oil and gas production. The main reason for this is the increase in the number of oil fields being developed, while the development of each field requires the involvement of many tangible and intangible resources and has a long duration in time. However, we can say that the construction of wells has become an ordinary matter and is carried out according to a common technology, and therefore is being formed a new concept – "conveyor" construction, that is when the fields are unified and have a standard solution. Based on this, a promising way to reduce costs and losses during construction is lean manufacturing technology.

This article covers the basics of lean manufacturing, its goals and tools, as well as the advantages of the technology used. A general algorithm of actions is considered to understand the processes of constructing of oil and gas wells. Based on these data, a cross-comparison of lean production and well construction is carried out and tools are formed for improving the efficiency of work. The focus of the article is on computer technologies and ensuring the safety of employees at the oil field. Besides that, we offer tools for optimizing the processes of well construction and improving the skills of employees. The article also describes the general principle of operation of a new lean manufacturing system based on computer technologies and suggests key performance indicators for evaluating the quality of the using technologies.


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