The nature of the formation and conditions of occurrence of gas-condensate deposits in the Achimov reservoirs of the Yuzhno-Venikhyartskoye field

DOI: DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2021-11-22-27
Key words: low-temperature gas-condensate systems, hydrocarbons of the early generation zone, vertical zonality of naphthidogenesis, kerogen
Authors: О.V. Elisheva , Е.L. Lazar , V.G. Safonov (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC), А.P. Kulik (RN-Uvatneftegas), D.N. Zhestkov (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow)

Rosneft Oil Company focuses on research work at the West Siberian basin. The territories are characterized by a low hydrocarbon potential, but they are of interest to the company in the future. Such territories include the peripheral regions of the basin, where the main problem for the Jurassic reservoirs is the forecast of their phase saturation. This problem does not allow the company to actively invest in prospecting and exploration work in such areas. In order that, Rosneft Oil Company to be able to increase the company's hydrocarbon resource base by opening new hydrocarbon deposits in the peripheral regions of the West Siberian basin, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of formation of deposits of different phase composition. For example, small Yuzhno-Venikhyartskoye gas-condensate field was discovered in 2014 on the border of the northern districts of the Uvat region and Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous district. The phase composition of hydrocarbons is uncharacteristic for territories where oil deposits are usually discovered.

The article considers the results of the studying the nature of the formation of gas-condensates in the peripheral territories of West Siberian basin on the example of Yuzhno-Venikhyartskoye gas-condensate field. The authors briefly describe geological, geodynamic, geochemical, thermobaric and tectonic conditions that are necessary for the formation and existence of gas-condensate deposits at depths of up to 2 km in the peripheral territories of the West Siberian basin. There is no doubt that understanding the formation mechanism of gas-condensate deposits in the peripheral territories of sedimentary basins will allow the company to expand its prospects for prospecting not only in the northern part of the Uvat region, but also in the southern regions of the Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous district.


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