Ice and metocean survey for development of the Russian Arctic continental shelf

UDK: УДК 550.8(26)
DOI: DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2021-11-8-12
Key words:
Authors: А.А. Pashali (Rosneft Oil Company), M.L. Boldyrev, K.A. Kornishin, Ya.O. Efimov, P.А. Tarasov, O.A. Verbitskaya (Arctic Research Centre), Yu.P. Gudoshnikov, E.U. Mironov, A.V. Nesterov, S.M. Kovalev (Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute), А.Т. Bekker (Far Eastern Federal University)

The article discusses issues of planning and conducting ice and metocean surveys in the license blocks located on the Arctic offshore. The major research objectives are described, followed by requirements to the expected results, as well as the main research directions and methods. The tasks of expeditionary ice and metocean surveys were determined both to provide meteo data for exploratory drilling stage, and also to provide design data for offshore oil and gas facilities for year-round operations in the freezing seas. Information on vessels and other technical means used during research is also presented. Unique experience of large-scale expeditionary research carried out by Rosneft Oil Company in the Barents, Kara, Laptev, East Siberian and Chukchi seas in 2012-2020 is described by the leading Russian scientific organizations that involved: Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, Arctic Research Center and Far Eastern Federal University. The recommendations given in the article make it possible to optimize expeditionary and laboratory scope of work needed to study environmental conditions on the Arctic offshore. The obtained data can be used for design of infrastructure and exploration facilities, offshore production structures and hydrocarbon transportation in the arctic seas of the Russian continental shelf, as well as for marine logistics related to the transportation of hydrocarbons along the Northern Sea Route.


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