Factor analysis of the causes of deviations in energy efficiency of the line part of pipelines

UDK: 622.692(075)
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2021-10-112-115
Key words: energy efficiency, factor analysis, pumping parameters, complicating factors, field pipelines
Authors: Т.А. Zubairov (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), P.V. Vinogradov (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), R.I. Valiakhmetov (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), A.V. Alferov (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa)

A significant item of operating costs of an oil production enterprise is the consumption of electricity to ensure the pumping of products through the field pipelines. To assess the efficiency of electricity use it is necessary to monitor the energy consumption of the technological process

This article focuses on evaluating the performance of field pipelines in terms of energy consumption. The paper presents methods for assessing the energy efficiency of the linear part of field pipelines and factor analysis of the causes of changes in energy efficiency. A modification of the equation for determining the hydraulic power losses in the pipeline to assess the energy consumption of field pipelines transporting gas-liquid mixtures is proposed. An algorithm for determining the influence of various operational factors on energy efficiency is described, and the performance and effectiveness of the factor analysis is shown on the example of an existing pipeline. Factor analysis is performed by the deterministic method of chain substitution, in which the sum of the influence of each factor individually is equal to the actual change in the analyzed value, which allows you to choose the most uncertain factor and find the impact of its changes in the amount of energy consumption by the joint value of the impact of known factors. The approaches described allow us to assess the change in the energy efficiency of the pipeline over the period under consideration, as well as to compare the level of energy consumption and energy efficiency of different pipelines among themselves, to carry out ranking of pipelines on the basis of the obtained indicators. Comparison of different pipelines can be performed by comparing the values of deviation of energy consumption from the normative or ideal, the values of each of the influencing factors, thus forming a certain information rating. Consequently, knowing the overall picture of the impact of various factors, you can determine which of them individually or in the aggregate have the greatest negative impact on the object under consideration and to assess what measures to reduce energy consumption can bring the greatest effect.


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