The experience of Gazpromneft-Vostok LLC in the operation of wells with a high gas-oil ratio

UDK: 622.276.5.05
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2021-10-86-91
Key words: electric submersible pump (ESP), high gas-oil ratio (GOR), gas separator, advanced gas handler, multiphase pump, natural flowing, automatic diverted valve (ADV)
Authors: V.V. Zhuravlev (Gazpromneft-Vostok LLC, RF, Tomsk), R.M. Sharafeev (Service Center EPU LLC, RF, Tomsk), D.O. Lebedev (Gazpromneft-Vostok LLC, RF, Tomsk), A.A. Panov (Gazpromneft-Vostok LLC, RF, Tomsk), M.M. Ishimbaev (Service Center EPU LLC, RF, Tomsk), E.S. Rovain (Service Center EPU LLC, RF, Tomsk), R.U. Iangazina (Service Center EPU LLC, RF, Tomsk), T.U. Baklushin (Service Center EPU LLC, RF, Tomsk)

The oilfields of Gazpromneft-Vostok LLC are located in remote areas of the Tomsk and Omsk regions. Road transport is possible only in winter. One of the serious factor which complicating oil production at the fields of Gazpromneft-Vostok LLC is a high gas-oil ratio (GOR), in some cases the GOR can exceed 1000 m³/m³. The wells of the Urmano-Archinsk group are the most complicated by the high GOR. The number of wells with a high GOR tends to grow annually due to the drilling of new wells in the Urman-Archinsky group oilfields. At the same time, natural flowing wells are regularly converted to production by ESP, while maintaining a high GOR, which negatively affects the stable operation of the ESP. Stabilization of the ESP operation in wells with a high gas-oil ratio is an important task for the long-term operation of submersible equipment and increase oil production. One of the key factor in the stable operation of these wells is the accuracy of the selected equipment gas stabilizing device type. The geological conditions of operation of the fields of Gazpromneft-Vostok LLC force us to use a wide variety of intakes/ gas stabilizing devices to stabilize the operation of the equipment: intake, rotary gas separator, vortex gas separator, tandem gas separators, multiphase pumps, automatic diverted valve ADV. Before widespread use, the effectiveness of using additional equipment must be proven at the oilfields of Gazpromneft-Vostok LLC.  This article presents the experience of OOO Gazpromneft-Vostok in the operation of wells with a high GOR. This article shows the effectiveness of the use of multiphase pumps, advanced gas handler, and also presents the successful experience of the use of automatic diverted valve at the oilfields of Gazpromneft-Vostok LLC. Presented experience of variable-speed drive run in motor current-feedback mode.


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