Distribution of hydrocarbon resources by deposits and fields of various sizes and fields by the number of deposits

UDK: 553.98.04
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2021-9-18-22
Key words: oil and gas basin, accumulations, deposits, deposits, probabilistic distribution of deposits and hydrocarbon deposits by mass, truncated Pareto distribution, distribution of deposits by the number of deposits in them
Authors: V.R. Livshitc (Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics of Siberian Branch of the RAS, RF, Novosibirsk; Novosibirsk State University, RF, Novosibirsk)

On the basis of the simulation method, an algorithm is proposed for transforming a simulation set of deposits into a simulation set of fields. It is assumed that the probabilistic distribution of hydrocarbon deposits by mass is a truncated Pareto distribution, and their spatial distribution over the territory of the oil and gas basin is described by a non-stationary Poisson point field. Considering, as a first approximation, the shape of the reservoir as circular, it is possible to obtain a simulated set of deposits in the basin, as a group of deposits that, in projection onto the earth's surface, completely or partially overlap their contours.

The algorithm can be used to assess the structure of the resources of an oil and gas basin for a quantitative forecast of its oil and gas content, in particular, when assessing the distribution of the amount and total resources of hydrocarbons at specified size intervals for deposits and fields. In addition, an explanation is proposed for the empirically established dependence of the distribution of oil and gas bearing basin deposits in terms of the number of deposits they contain. It is shown that this distribution can be a consequence of the definition of a deposit as a geometric object consisting of deposits, the projections of which on the earth's surface have complete or partial overlapping of their contours.


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