Typical solutions in geology and engineering – the way to production efficiency

UDK: 006.01:622.276
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-3-70-75
Key words: standard solution, technological process, unification, typification, best practices
Authors: O.V. Salimov (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen), V.V. Vasiliev (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen), N.T. Karachurin (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow)

In the modern world, typification and unification acquires a special, important role in various spheres of life, influencing social, economic, and technological processes. Unification is the process of standardization, uniformity and unification of various elements or systems through the use of standard solutions. A typical solution in geology and development is a replicable best practice, in fact, it is a formalization of unique, successful, practical experience in solving problems. In a narrower sense, best practice is the best way to achieve an initially set goal. Since today the oil and gas industry is becoming not only financially attractive, but also risky for investments, it is important to optimize work in all major business segments of activity: in geology and development through the use of standard solutions; in design and survey work through the unification and standardization of equipment, typification of design solutions. To implement this direction in the field of geology and development, as a rule, a list of best practices is formed aimed at implementing standard solutions in geological exploration, laboratory core studies, conceptual design, design of oil and gas field development. The essence of the typification of technological processes is that, based on a preliminary study and analysis of the particular features inherent in a particular technology, the best achievements of practical experience are summarized, and these generalizations are given the character of technological patterns, which are then extended to the appropriate classification groups. Thus, typification implies the need for classification of technological processes, which is usually based on geological, industrial, technological and administrative-organizational conditions peculiar to a particular oil and gas producing society.


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