Voltage 20 kV in oil fields power supply circuits

UDK: 621.311:622.276
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2021-7-132-137
Key words: power supply system, electrical system, electrical circuit, stages of development, voltage classes, transformer substations and power lines, power supply sources
Authors: V.P. Frayshteter (Giprotyumenneftegas PJSC, HMS Group, RF, Tyumen)

Recently, the sphere of application of the 20 kV voltage class in electrical distribution system of various purposes has been expanding extensively. Voltage 20 kV is included in the standard range of rated voltages 10 – 20 – 35 kV. First of all, the transfer of electrical networks traditionally using voltages of 10 (6) and 35 kV to 20 kV networks is considered. Tables and graphs presented in various publications illustrate theoretically substantiated results: with an increase in voltage in overhead transmission line of the same section, it is possible to transmit more power or reduce power (and voltage) losses, or to find the optimal balance of the ratio of transmitted power and power losses. However, from the point of view of the power supply, oil fields as technological objects have their own peculiarities that should be taken into account when their power supply systems are designed. The main purpose here is to ensure a flexible response of power supply systems to technologically determined changes in electrical loads, the optimal location of technological facilities, expansion of the territory at all stages of field development, while maintaining the required level of reliability and quality of power supply to facilities. In the classical oil field power supply system with voltages of 35 and 10 kV, the basic power supply network of the oil field with the necessary power resources is formed at a voltage of 35 kV with the placement of substations in the centers of electrical loads of the oil fields. The 10 kV network can flexibly respond to changes in the location and capacity of individual technological objects. Such a scheme provides the required power supply reliability and flexibility at all stages of development. The transfer of the oil field's power supply system to 20 kV will drastically limit its ability to respond to changing technology requirements, both due to its less flexibility compared to the 10 kV network and due to capacity limitations compared to the 35 kV network. Therefore, with all the active general industrial development of 20 kV networks, the widespread use of this voltage class for power supply of oil fields does not seem promising.


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