Geodynamic evolution of the formation of reverse thrust belts of the Urals based on the results of structural-kinematic modeling

UDK: 551.24
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2021-5-15-21
Key words: subthrust zones, sub-thrust ares, Pre-Ural deflection, the Urals, hydrocarbon fields, kinematic modeling, faults, migration of the hydrocarbon
Authors: L.I. Bondereva (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), A.V. Bondarev (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), V.I Ermolkin (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), A.A. Tkacheva2 2IGIRGI JSC, RF, Moscow

The article presents the results of the study of the thrust structures of the Ural fold system, located in the junction zone of the Pre-Ural regional deflection and the forward folds of the Urals, in order to identify the conditions of formation and evolution of disjunctive violations of the thrust type of the Ural region from the position of lithospheric plates tectonics and elucidate the role of the dislocations under study in localization spatial distribution of hydrocarbons. The geodynamic nature of the formation of the thrusts of the Pre-Urals is due to Hercynian orogenesis under the influence of collisional processes, and the genetically associated cover-folded structures were formed as a result of the longitudinal bending of the layered strata under the influence of horizontally oriented stress from the Ural Orogen. Despite the relatively high regional geological knowledge and development of hydrocarbon resources in the Pre-Urals, the poorly studied structures characterized by the development of fold-thrust dislocations are promising in terms of oil and gas. At present, the development of geological modeling technologies makes it possible to update previously conducted studies of the tectonic development of subthrust structures and the mechanisms of their formation. These structures are potential hydrocarbon traps. To assess the prospects for oil and gas potential in the development zone of the upstream overshoot dislocations of the Urals, paleotectonic reconstructions were made and investigated based on the implementation of kinematic modeling technology. The construction of paleotectonic reconstructions was carried out along a series of seismic profiles intersecting the northern and southern segments of the Pre-Ural regional deflection. The structures obtained allow us to study the tectonodynamic evolution of the upthrust and thrust structures and the characteristics of the formation conditions of the modern morphostructure of the sedimentary cover, and also allow us to estimate the balance of the structural plans and the direction of tectonic movements over the area and in time. The presented research results show that the fold-and-fissure thrust and sub-thrust structures of the junction zone of the Pre-Ural marginal deflection and the Forward folds of the Urals are favorable for the formation of hydrocarbon accumulations.


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