Experience in the development of low-permeable terrigenous reservoirs of Gorshkovskaya area of Priobskoye field

UDK: 622.276.1/.4:553.98 Н.П.
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2021-4-72-75
Key words: low-permeability reservoirs, tight oil, depletion drive, water drive
Authors: A.A. Kashapov (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), M.M. Kulushev (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), I.I. Rodionova (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), A.A. Mironenko (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), V.P. Miroshnichenko (RN-Yuganskneftegas LLC, RF, Nefteyugansk)

The region of Priobskoye field with the lowest permeability is called Gorshkovskaya area. That region is characterized by an ultra-low permeability (less than 0.001 mkm2) and a thin layer reservoir structure. Achimov deposits of the reservoir in Gorshkovskaya area are classified as deep-water alluvial fans. That reservoir has a low effective matrix permeability of approximately 0.004–0.005 mkm2. One of the main questions that must be considered is whether we use waterflooding in case of developing the reservoir of Gorshkovskaya area. This scientific article gives an answer to that question. Four regions of Gorshkovskaya area were selected to implement the experimental part. The first region was developed with the help of depletion drive while other regions were developed with the help of water drive. The comparison of the parameters of the development of selected regions shows that development with the use of waterflooding tends to be more effective for ultra-low permeability reservoirs in case Gorshkovskaya area of Priobskoye field than with the use of depletion.

Additionally 12 regions in Gorshkovskaya area and in Left coast area of Priobskoye field were selected for estimation of recovery factor using the several techniques. The first method for estimating recovery factor was the logarithm of water-oil ratio, the second method was the decline curve analysis, the third method was based on the digital model of the considered reservoir. Those regions were developed with the use of waterflooding. Additionally one region in Gorshkovskaya area was selected for estimation of recovery factor using the digital model. Using decline curve analysis, recovery factor values in Gorshkovskaya area range from 22 to 27%. Using a digital model, recovery factor values equal to 7% (with the use of depletion drive) and 27 % (with the use of water drive). Estimated values of recovery factor show that development with the use of waterflooding tends to be more effective for ultra-low permeability reservoirs in case of Gorshkovskaya area of Priobskoye field than with the use of depletion. The use of waterflooding increases value of recovery factor by 2–3 times as much.

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