Study of the distorting effect of development processes on open-hole well logging using the example of old fields in the Eastern Ciscaucasia

UDK: 622.
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2021-1-23-27
Key words: distorting factors, well logging, core, well, development processes, reservoir, nature of saturation, gas factor, pressure, model, interpretation
Authors: A.A. Brailovskaya (NK Rosneft-NTС LLC, RF, Krasnodar), L.S. Oks (NK Rosneft-NTС LLC, RF, Krasnodar)

Justification of integrated interpretation models that take into account a wide range of distorting factors, often contained in the rock itself, including the influence of development processes on the open-pit GIS readings, contributes to increasing the reliability of quantitative estimates of calculation parameters, the effectiveness of searching for missed hydrocarbon deposits, and rational planning of geological and technical measures, which is most relevant in the conditions of old producing provinces. Oil companies today continue to develop a large number of fields discovered, explored and drilled in the last century. The main well stock of such fields, as a rule, has been studied by a limited set of “standard” logging methods, and the laboratory-studied core is not very representative and / or analyzed incompletely. Extreme geological and technical conditions for drilling wells that penetrate, for example, the Mesozoic-Cenozoic sediments of the Eastern Ciscaucasia and complex heterogeneous reservoirs enclosed in them, often lead to the need for additional iterations in interpretive petrophysical algorithms. To obtain adequate geological and hydrodynamic models, it is necessary to have close to true parameters obtained using common methods of interpretation of the initial data, and to compare the operation of neighboring wells – sections with comparable parameters. The priority tasks are: selection of well logging methods with minimal sensitivity to various well conditions; development of integrated interpretation models adapted for different completeness of logging complexes and wells drilled in disparate time periods, as well as taking into account the "non-standard" distorting influence of development factors on the desired geophysical parameters. In this article, special attention is paid to such factors distorting the well logging readings as the gas content and the phase state of the fluids saturating the reservoirs.


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