Forecasting zones of paleocanals system development in the interprofile space within the productive deposits complex of the Tyumen formation

UDK: 550.834.53
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2020-12-68-72
Key words: seismic exploration, 2D seismic exploration, data interpretation, pseudo 3D, West Siberian oil and gas basin
Authors: A.V. Ivanchik (Tyumen Branch of SurgutNIPIneft, Surgutneftegas PJSC, RF, Tyumen), I.A. Hakimov (Surgutneftegas PJSC, RF, Surgut), A.A. Levina (GridPoint Dynamics LLC, RF, Moscow), A.K. Bazanov (GridPoint Dynamics LLC, RF, Moscow), P.A. Avdeev (GridPoint Dynamics LLC, RF, Moscow), R.F. Miftahov (GridPoint Dynamics LLC, RF, Moscow), I.I. Efremov (GridPoint Dynamics LLC, RF, Moscow)

The main hydrocarbon reserves in the Jurassic sediments of Western Siberia are associated with various types of non-anticlinal objects in the Middle Jurassic oil and gas basin. Collectors have a complex structure and often belong to channel-shaped bodies. To date, these objects are of great interest for oil and gas search. The main task set for the authors was to allocate similar channels and avandelt facies in the productive formation J2 the Tyumen retinue according to the seismic survey MCDP 2D. The detailed seismic survey of MCDP 3D is quite easy, copes with such tasks by layer-by-layer studying of cubes of amplitudes, seismofacies, frequency decomposition, etc. For seismic exploration of MCDP 2D, in this regard, there are a number of restrictions. The article considers the technology of creating synthetic cubes 3D from profile data Pseudo 3D, describes the principle of its operation and demonstrates the results of solving the problem. The construction of a synthetic cube made it possible to interpret objects of interest not only in the plane, but also to go into the volume of three-dimensional space. As a result of the studies carried out with the involvement of the Pseudo 3D cube in the territory not studied by drilling, it was possible to quarry promising objects of the fluvial type, the forecast of which would be difficult according to profile data. The authors also draw attention to the increasing interest in such solutions in connection with the preservation of significant volumes of seismic exploration of MCDP 2D. Technologies for synthesizing pseudo 3D seismic cubes from profile data provide a whole range of possibilities for removing restrictions when evaluating the spatial location of search objects according to 2D data, especially those with a complex geological structure.


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