A comprehensive approach to the re-evaluation of the geological structure of ‘low-pore’ deposits in a limited set and low quality of initial data on the example of deposits in the Republic of Ingushetia

UDK: 553.98
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2020-10-30-36
Key words: well logging, well test, model, interpretation, geological structure, borehole, core, porosity, permeability, fractured, carbonate reservoir, F.I. Kotyakov method
Authors: A.A. Brailovskaya (Rosneft-NTC LLC, RF, Krasnodar), V.V. Miroshnichenko (Rosneft-NTC LLC, RF, Krasnodar), L.S. Oks (Rosneft-NTC LLC, RF, Krasnodar), V.M. Yatsenko (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow)

Oil companies today continue to develop a large number of fields discovered, explored and drilled in the last century. In the conditions of old mining provinces, it is most important to increase the reliability of quantitative estimates of calculation parameters, which contributes to the efficiency of searching for missed hydrocarbon deposits, and rational planning of geological and technical measures. Despite the long history of development of the majority of deposits in the southern regions of the country, which include deposits with complex geological structure and complex reservoirs, due to the limited availability of source data sets, simplified and generalized approaches were often used for their step-by-step modeling. To get accurate geological and hydrodynamic models need to have the parameters obtained by the reasonable interpretation of complex petrophysical models, adapted to the limited set and the low quality of the original data, the Process of geological-petrophysical modeling should include differentiation approaches evaluation estimation of parameters subject to radically different geological and technical factors drilling operations and reservoir properties of the same name reveal deposits within the neighbouring regions.

Rosneft Oil Company, together with Rosneft - NTC LLC (a subsidiary of Rosneft) implemented a modern geological model of upper Cretaceous carbonate deposits with distribution of "high-capacity" permeable intervals in the fractured reservoir array, based on a preliminary detailed study of the reservoir potential, sedimentation conditions, and geological structure of the deposits of the same name within the Eastern and Central regions of the Republic of Ingushetia and Ciscaucasia as a whole. The proposed methods, correcting dependencies and coefficients can be used for similar carbonate deposits with effective voids of secondary origin and an inefficient matrix of this and other regions with similar geological and geophysical characteristics of deposits, which contributes to a more accurate assessment of the calculated parameters using well logging data, as well as to increase the efficiency of planning geological and technical measures.


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