Determination of bottomhole excess pressure limits for preventing formation fracturing and propagation fractur in NH-I formation of Suzunskoye field

UDK: 622.
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2020-8-42-46
Key words: waterflood-induced hydraulic fracturing, fracture, fracturing treatment, well testing, pressure propagation, hydraulic fracturing pressure, pressure build-up curve, down hole pressure gauges, reservoir pressure, production well logging, well control, water injection
Authors: S.V. Tulenkov (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen), A.S. Shirokov (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen), D.V. Grandov (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen), V.A. Volkov (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen), Ya.V Utusikov (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen), V.N. Arkhipov (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen), K.A. Galstyan (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen), A.A. Osipenko (RN-Vankor LLC, RF, Krasnoyarsk)
Waterflooding is a process of maintenance the energy of the oil reservoir by pumping water in injection wells. It requires optimizing production and injection wells operation parameters to provide oil production. High bottomhole pressure in an injection well can stimulate formation fracturing and as a result rapid increase of water production. That is why operation parameters of injection wells must be "safe". Injection well operation "safe" parameters mean that bottomhole pressure should be lower than the fracturing pressure, fracture opening and propagation pressure. Understanding the processes of fracture formation and propagation is necessary to determine well operation "safe" parameters. Also the analysis of the geological, geophysical and stress-related characteristics of the reservoir is important. The paper presents the results of core analysis and well test analysis of horizontal wells in Suzunskoye field during the pilot production period. The results were the basis of the hypothesis of formation fracturing due to excess pressure in bottomhole area caused by water injection. Well tests (inflow performance relationship curves) and production logging of horizontal injection wells analysis allowed to form the statistical correlation between fracture opening pressure and reservoir pressure. The correlation can be used to determine fracture opening pressure in injection wells with fracture and recommend "safe" parameters for injection wells.
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