Fault mapping methodology based on the intrusive bodies’ distribution: Baikit anteclise Vendian-Cambrian rock study (Siberian craton)

UDK: 551.24
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2021-5-60-66
Key words: Eastern Siberia, magmatism, correlation, intrusion, faults
Authors: N.M. Kutukova (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow), V.V. Volianskaiа (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow), V.L. Shuster (Oil and Gas Research Institute of RAS, RF, Moscow)

The geological structure of Baikit anteclise crust (Siberian craton) is very complicated and has to be studied with attention to the regional specifics. The presence of permafrost, numerous igneous bodies, and salt-bearing strata does the fault identification process in this region more sophisticated. For this purpose the Fault Mapping Methodology based on the intrusive bodies distribution has been crated during geological research and oil field modelling of the petroleum production area of Kamovsky anticline. In general, Rosneft Oil Company always put lots of attention to the adaptation of the oil field production activities to the geological phenomenon complexity and paleo processes reconstruction multivariance. According on this manner, the quality of the oil field geological models is inarching. Especially, this is very important for huge petroleum resources. As a result of 100 wells geological correlation, the position of faults (Pre-Vendian and Paleozoic age) was corrected according on igneous body “jumps” to the overlying sedimentary rocks. The geological model of oil field was supplemented with more detailed faults position done by intrusive bodies interpreted geometry. The main methodology concept is the idea that magma is intruding vertically by new or existing fault and, when the overlaying rock pressure became equal to the magma flow pressure, this flow has been changing the intruding direction to the horizontal and going by layers boundary.

This methodology can be used for the fault position identification in different sedimentary basins with magma intrusions or in boundary zones between basins and orogeny. Mapping of intrusive bodies is a key task in planning exploration work, since the Siberian platform is an ideal object for studying the influence of trap magmatism on oil and gas content, namely, identifying patterns in the distribution of oil and gas deposits in the area of trap magmatism and substantiating the most promising areas for drilling.


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