The experience and prospects for the use of pipes with internal anti-corrosion coating in the pipeline systems construction

UDK: 622.692.4.076:620.198/.197
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2020-6-90-92
Key words: pipeline, internal anti-corrosion coating, life time
Authors: V.V. Vyatkin (Oil and Gas Production Department Komsomolskneft, Surgutneftegas PJSC, RF, Surgut), S.O. Khabidenov (Oil and Gas Production Department Komsomolskneft, Surgutneftegas PJSC, RF, Surgut), E.S. Toropov (Tyumen Industrial University, RF, Tyumen)

The authors presented approaches to solving the problem of how to increase the corrosion resistance of oil and gas pipelines, flowlines of producing wells, and their connecting parts. The article suggests the use of structures with internal anti-corrosion coating to solve the problem. It is shown the benefits of the integrated approach applied, in particular, in the system of Surgutneftegas PJSC. The strategy includes the introduction of practical engineering solutions and realizing the relevant organizational and technical measures in the production process. These actions constitute establishing and monitoring stringent requirements for the anticorrosive performance of the products in question. The effectiveness of the solutions described in the article confirmed by the data of the technological pilot operation of pipelines owned by OGPD Komsomolskneft. It showed significant multiple decreases of the specific number of incidents associated with failures of piping systems, after equipping them with structural elements having an internal corrosion coating. As an explanation of the practical results obtained, the authors gave some theoretical justifications regarding the features of the course of corrosion processes. We described the mechanism of interaction between the pumped hydrocarbon liquids having abrasive inclusions and the film of oxides located on the inner wall of the pipeline.

The article touches upon an essential feature of the operation of pipelines with internal anti-corrosion coating. It is the need to protect the inside of the welded joint during their installation. The method currently used to solve this problem has several disadvantages. As an alternative to the existing method, we recommend applying several varieties of mastic-free bushings tested and successfully operated by specialists of OGPD Komsomolskneft. Despite a significant increase in reliability indicators when using elements with increased corrosion resistance, the problem of determining the residual life of such pipelines remains unresolved. And the company requires accuracy that is acceptable for making production decisions during the operation of pipeline systems. The solution to this problem may be to provide field pipeline systems with corrosion resistance control units. These items have an easily dismantled section of the pipeline, which is subject to further visual and instrumental inspection. It is shiwn how to predict the residual life of the oil gathering systems of hydrocarbon fields when using the experience of operating nodes of that kind.


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