Oil flow influence on accuracy of forecasting mine air temperatures

UDK: 628.5:622.276:536.24
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2020-4-98-100
Key words: oil mine, mining, heat sources, temperature conditions, forecast, error
Authors: A.F. Galkin (Ukhta State Technical University, RF, Ukhta), I.V. Kurta (Ukhta State Technical University, RF, Ukhta), V.Yu. Pankov (M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, RF, Yakutsk), M.D. Ilinov (Saint-Petersburg Mining University, RF, Saint-Petersburg)

The current technology for the development of the Yaregskoye viscous oil field, extracted by the mining method, allows free flow of oil in an open groove along the inclined soil of the mine working to the point of collection and further pumping. At the same time, due to the heat exchange of mine air with rocks that enclose the transport mine working, as well as due to the heat exchange of air with the oil flow stream, the air is heating intensively and its temperature exceeds the values permitted by safety rules. These conditions at the workplaces negatively impact on the workers health. An analysis of literary sources has shown that the normalization of thermal conditions in mine workings is an important and urgent task for the oil mines of the Yaregskoye field.

We assessed the influence of oil freely flowing through the soil in an open groove on the thermal regime in oil mine and the necessaty to develop new technical solutions to reduce its intensity. To assess the significance of this heat source the gradients of the heat flow in the mine working with the presence of flowing oil and without it were compared. To describe the process of thermal conditions formation in the mine, a mathematical model was built and a system of differential equations was analytically solved. The absolute and relative errors in predicting the magnitude of the heat flux and temperature at the end of the mine was determined. According to the formulas obtained, calculations were carried out. It was found that errors in determining the heat flux gradient can reach significant values. Moreover, the error in determining the temperature at the end of the mine working can reach high values, significantly higher than permissible in engineering practice. The main findings of the research are as follows. When forecasting thermal conditions in oil mines, one must carefully consider the analysis of the influence of all heat sources. Dependencies are obtained for determining the relative error in determining the temperature gradient and the temperature itself at the end of the transport mine working caused by not taking into account the heat exchange of mine air with the oil transported in the open groove. It has been established that the transportation of oil in open grooves in the mine working soil has a significant effect on the level of heat exchange with ventilation air. An important factor in normalizing the microclimate parameters is the development of technological and technical solutions to reduce the influence of this source or to exclude it from heat transfer processes in mine workings.


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