Laboratory study on the effect of elastic wave treatment on geomechanical and capillary properties of clastic reservoirs

UDK: 622.276.6
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2020-4-54-57
Key words: elastic wave treatment, geomechanical properties, capillary imbibition, clastic rock, rock properties
Authors: E.P. Riabokon (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm)

Capillary imbibition affects the rate of oil inflow to the production well. Geomechanical properties of the rock are one of the factors determining the rate of capillary imbibition. As a result of elastoplastic deformations of the rock during an oil field development, geomechanical properties change that leads to a decrease in a well production rate. Elastic wave treatment of the bottom-hole formation zone can restore the permeability of the rock to the initial value due to changes in geomechanical properties.

The elastic wave treatment of a bottom-hole formation zone is modelled to evaluate the effect on deformations. The deformation in the model is represented by a change in geomechanical properties (compressive strength, tensile strength, elastic modulus, Poisson's ratio). Spontaneous capillary imbibition is used as a flow property. The study is performed on the Perm period sandstone that corresponds to clastic deposits of oil fields in the south of the Perm region. Experiments on static loading on samples of various diameters are carried out using standard equipment. The zones of compaction and elastic deformation are determined. The experimental setup for dynamic loading using a magnetostrictive transducer is designed. Elastic wave treatment of the rock on five modes is studied. Seven frequencies are investigated on each mode. A decrease in the mechanical properties of the rock in the zone of elastic deformation is shown. The effect of elastic wave treatment on flow properties of rocks in the near-wellbore zone of clastic formations is revealed. It is concluded that there is a possibility to increase the permeability of the bottom-hole formation zone and additional oil production during elastic wave treatment in the zone of compaction.


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