Topical issues of oil and oil product quality management in pipeline transport

UDK: 39.71:658.5
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2020-3-96-101
Key words: oil, oil products, pipeline, pumping, quality, quality management, factors, optimization of cargo flows, control actions, quality assurance
Authors: A.Yu. Lyapin (Transneft PJSC, RF, Moscow), F.V. Timofeev (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow)

The paper addresses the oil and oil product quality management in the pipeline transport. Large volumes of oil and oil products are transported in conditions of continuous toughening of requirements for their quality. At the route destinations, the oil and oil product quality must comply with the terms of transportation contracts and current standards. The pumping process features are structural, climatic and operational factors that affect the intensity of physical and chemical processes and, consequentially, the quality of oil and oil products. It is shown that under these conditions an analysis of the quality change causes and possible control actions is required. The quality management is possible through the implementation of a set of control actions, including administrative, methodological and process tasks. These tasks form a three-link system in which the solution of one problem leads to a response in neighboring links. Ensuring the energy resource quality preservation is achieved through the integrated task solution at all levels of the process. For oil transportation, integrated management is to stabilize the oil quality in accordance with the quality requirements established for each specific cargo flow direction. The quality stabilization is achieved through timely processing of information on the planned volumes of oil delivery by consignors, its quality level with reference to the delivery points, obtaining on-line information about the oil quality in the pipeline system and the implementation of the tank battery and mixing point capabilities. The main areas of the oil product quality management are tasks aimed at reducing the harmful effects of transportation conditions on the oil product quality, optimizing cargo flows taking into account the possibilities of sequential pumping of different types of oil products, and organizing the oil product quality monitoring during transportation using in-line and mobile means. The development and implementation of new, including innovative, technical solutions will ensure the high efficiency of the quality management system and ensure the oil and oil product quality safety in pipeline transport in general. 


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