Prospects for the use of building composite structures

UDK: 622.276.012.05-218
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2019-12-74-76
Key words: composite materials, composites market, capital construction, building constructions, fire resistance, quick-assembled structures
Authors: A.V. Malyshkina (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), A.P. Smirnov (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg)

In the connection with the increase in the number of short-term projects in the oil and gas industry, a need arose for quick-assembled , lightweight, mobile, and durable structures. Traditional solutions will not cope with this task, so composite structures are being considered to replace metal structures. The widespread use of composites in the construction and other industries is due to the high strength and specific characteristics combined with corrosion resistance and special properties, as well as the convenience of transportation and installation of finished products due to their relatively low weight. The growth rate of the domestic composite market is much higher than the world, but at the same time, the share of the Russian composites industry in relation to the global one still barely exceeds 1%. This is due to a number of restrictions, especially noticeable in the construction industry. The main reasons for the slow development of the composite industry in Russia are the underdevelopment of the domestic market and the lack of trained personnel who are versed in composite materials, as well as the imperfection of the system of regulatory and technical documentation on the use of composite materials.

This article discusses the main constraints to the development of the composite materials industry, technological issues of large companies, prospects, opportunities and limitations of the use and implementation of composites in the field development. Also, the authors consider the advantages of composite structures over metal and innovative methods to increase strength characteristics. In addition, completed projects with the use of composites, promising topics for the development of the industry are presented.


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