Experience of introducing PSER indicators as a tool to manage process safety

UDK: 502.36:622.276
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2019-11-68-71
Key words: : process, leakage, safety, barrier, integrity, management, PSE (process safety event), PSER (process safety events rate)
Authors: V.A. Kulagin (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow), I.S. Sivokon (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow), E.S. Pronina (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow), M.V. Anfimov (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow), S.N. Petryaev (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow)

One of the key priority targets for Rosneft Oil Company is continuous HSE improvement. In order to achieve this target Rosneft is executing the project on development of the system of facilities and equipment integrity management aimed first of all at mitigation of the risk of major accidents and the number of equipment failures. With development of the system the Company faced the necessity to estimate its efficiency. Guideline API RP 754 proposes process safety events rate (PSER) indicator to measure process safety performance. These define process safety levels and measure the number of incidents that take place in processes per million hours worked. These indicators are now widely used internationally for assessment of process safety measures allowing to learn from minor incidents in order to pursue the objective of prevention of bigger accidents and accumulation of knowledge on risk management and process facility integrity management. PSER indicators are based on unified and controlled source data and calculation; that is they do not depend either on internal accident classification criteria of different companies that get regularly revised or external ones caused by the national legislation.

In 2018 Rosneft tested the methodology of classification and registration of accidents to define PSER indicators in 25 subsidiaries. Since early 2019 the safety level assessment using the PSER indicators was introduced across the Company. The first results of 6 months of 2019 demonstrate the practical value of registration and analysis of PSER indicators for formulation of risk mitigation measures and reduction of the number of accidents and the magnitude of such accidents. Besides, registration and calculation of PSER indicators allows Rosneft to do international benchmarking by comparing against other oil and gas companies for the level of process safety.


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