Improvement the impact forecasting system of the accidents consequences based on the apply method of expert assessments

UDK: 658.382.3:622.692.4
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-5-144-147
Key words: accident confinement, damage control and recovery, major pipeline, computer modeling, hazardous production facility, industrial safety, oil/petroleum spills, risk, quality management system, method of expert assessment
Authors: V.N. Slepnev (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow), R.Y. Shestakov (Arctic Research Centre LLC, RF, Moscow), A.F. Maksimenko (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), V.L. Vorobieva (Russian regional development bank JSC, RF, Moscow)

Improvement of the efficiency of the industrial safety management system for oil and gas facilities, in particular major pipeline transport objects, is one of the current issues solved by modern science. The article discusses the intermediate result of multi-year study carried out by the authors in the field of improving the accident forecasting system efficiency. During the study, the methodology for improving the efficiency of the system for forecasting the accident consequences at major pipeline objects was completed. The method of expert assessments, building of computer models using technologies of geoinformation system with the terrain relief taking into account, the main aspects of the methodology of the quality management system based on the process approach of the ISO 9000 series standards form the basis of the methodology. Individual fragments of the proposed changes are proven at the system departments of Transneft PJSC and implemented into the plans for the reconstruction and overhaul of facilities. Forecasts are embedded in documents in the field of industrial safety, including plans for the prevention, localization and elimination of oil and petroleum product spills. As a part of the ongoing developments, recommendations for site facilities were given as a separate element of possible forecasting systems. The system of forecasting the consequences of accidents at tank farms, proposed by the authors, which includes mathematical modeling and strength calculations, allows taking into account a greater number of factors. Testing of the methodology for predicting the consequences of accidents at tank farms was carried out within the framework of several research works, the results of which are taken as a principle into new design solutions of the sites. Statements for improving the system of forecasting the consequences of possible accidents are planned to be normatively fixed in the governing documents of the major pipeline system of oil and petroleum products.


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