Increasing the efficiency of Аrctic shelf fields preparation for commercial development

UDK: 622.279.3.04:658
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-5-91-97
Key words: shelf, well, casing test, testing, tester on a cable with hydrodynamic logging (TRC-HDL), hydrodynamic parameters, well productivity
Authors: S.N. Menshikov (Gazprom PJSC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), S.S. Chuzhmarev (Gazprom PJSC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), V.E. Petrenko (Gazprom PJSC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), M.F. Nuriev (Gazprom PJSC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), A.V. Ovechkin (Gazprom nedra LLC, RF, Moscow), V.N. Khoshtariya (Gazprom nedra LLC, RF, Moscow), S.E. Dmitriev (Gazprom nedra LLC, RF, Moscow), O.V. Fominykh (MIPTEC LLC, RF, Tyumen)

The publication discusses the methodology used by Gazprom PJSC to calculate the productivity of gas-saturated reservoirs according to research data by a reservoir tester on a cable with hydrodynamic logging (TRC-HDL) in an open well bore. In the conditions of the Arctic shelf, on the example of the Kara Sea, in the short autumn-summer navigation season it is possible to drill one offshore well with a depth of 2500 meters and test a maximum of two pay zones in a full-cycle column. On the shelf of the Yamal Peninsula in the Kara Sea, wells exposed 10 or more productive formations, which made it difficult to complete the geological prospecting completely. Therefore, previously, a deep-sea well was drilled to the design bottom in one year (season), preserved and the next year tests were carried out in a column. In this case, the cost of well construction increased at least 1,6 times. At the same time, there were risks of damage to the wellhead by ice bodies (icebergs, etc.). Aquifers with saturation unclear according to geophysical well logging were also often tested in the column. Methodological recommendations for substantiating the calculated parameters of deposits in terrigenous deposits according to geophysical well logging data and new TRC-HDL methods when registering and transferring raw hydrocarbons to industrial reserve categories make it possible to avoid testing aquifers in a column, take conditioned samples of reservoir fluids, and also determine the productivity of the interval based on actual well testing data and to transfer raw hydrocarbons to the industrial category C1 and, accordingly, to complete the construction of an offshore well in one drilling season per navigation (2,5–3 months) without significant loss of geological information. The article provides a brief description of the methodology. A brief analysis of the conducted research on offshore wells of the Kara Sea is presented.


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