Tectono-gravitational detachments of the southern border of the Western Preсaucasus trough established on the basis of seismostratigraphic analysis

UDK: 551.24
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-5-54-61
Key words: geodynamics, orogeny, Greater Caucasus, Western Precaucasus basin, clinoforms, detachment
Authors: S.Y. Kolodyazhny (Geological Institute of the RAS, RF, Moscow), N.B. Kuznetsov (Geological Institute of the RAS, RF, Moscow; Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), E.I. Makhinya (Geological Institute of the RAS, RF, Moscow), E.A. Shalaeva (Geological Institute of the RAS, RF, Moscow), K.I. Dantsova (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), T.V. Romanyuk (Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of the RAS, RF, Moscow), M.P. Antipov (Geological Institute of the RAS, RF, Moscow), S.F. Khafizov (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), G.E. Parfenov (Geological Institute of the RAS, RF, Moscow)

The article presents the results of seismostratigraphic section analysis of the southern part of the Western Precaucasus basin. It showed a widespread development of detachments in the area under study. As a rule, detachments are confined to the boundaries of strata with different rheological behavior and zones with considerably tilted layers at areas adjacent to the Caucasus orogen or, less often, to buried uplifts. Various structures associated with sliding processes along detachments have been identified: asymmetric folds and small overhangs, domino structures and splintering zones. Numerous buried ledges and associated clinoforms have been deciphered on seismic sections of the eastern part of the Western Kuban trough, which can be considered as paleodeltas – accumulative structures of detrital material, transported from north to south into the area of wide shelf of the southern margin of the East European Platform. It is suggested that one of the forms of manifestation of the Greater Caucasus latest orogeny is the tectonic exhumation of the lower layers of the sedimentary cover and complexes of the granite-metamorphic base of the orogen due to the tectono-gravitational collapse of the mountain structure. The detachments are associated with asymmetric folds and thrusts, splintering zones, decompression and compression ramps, which under certain conditions can be traps for hydrocarbons.


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