Efficiency analysis of geological and technical measures

UDK: 622.276.6
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2019-6-62-65
Key words: efficiency analysis, geological and technical measures, duration of effect, rate of fall, launch increase, residual increase
Authors: R.R. Ramazanov (RN-UfaNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), K.A. Kharlamov (RN-UfaNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), I.I. Letko (Slavneft-Megionnefegas LLC, RF, Megion), R.A. Martsenyuk (Slavneft-Megionnefegas LLC, RF, Megion)

Geological and technical measures (GTM) - work carried out on wells to regulate the development of fields and maintain target levels of oil production. Through GTM, oil-producing enterprises ensure the fulfillment of project indicators for the development of deposits. As a result of the implementation of GTM, a significant increase in oil production is obtained. The relevance of the work lies in the fact that today there are various methods for analyzing the effectiveness of GTM. The proposed method allows us to more accurately assess the contribution of GTM to the production of a well.

For a comprehensive assessment of the effect of geological and engineering operations, specialists of RN-UfaNIPIneft LLC, together with specialists of Slavneft-Megionneftegas, have developed an extended methodology for evaluating the effect of GTM –“Pie”, which is based on a multi-criteria analysis of the arrangement taken. The traditional method is based on the comparison of the entire production between the date of the first GTM and the date of the second GTM in relation to the first GTM. The increase is estimated only as the difference between the launch and stop parameters and does not take into account the rate of decline in production from the previous event. The duration of the effect is limited to the date of the next GTM for additional production (hydraulic fracturing, sidetracking, transitions to other horizons). In the developed methodology of the advanced analysis "Pie", the flow rates are divided into increments from arrangements, taking into account the rate of decline from previous GTM. The actual values of the flow rates for a sliding year are approximated by an exponential dependence. The resulting coefficient is used to forecast well production for the periods of validity of all subsequent GTM. Such differentiation makes it possible to most accurately estimate the share of each GTM in the flow rate of a well with a fall rate for the duration of the effect.


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