Analysis of the mechanical response of the U-shaped pipeline expansion loop at the plug flow

UDK: 621.644.01
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2019-2-86-89
Key words: plug flow, strength analysis of pipelines, transient dynamic analysis, finite element method, hydrodynamic impact
Authors: J.V. Bayusheva (Giprovostokneft JSC, RF, Samara), A.A. Kovrov (Giprovostokneft JSC, RF, Samara), M.A. Fedotenko (Giprovostokneft JSC, RF, Samara)

Designing pipeline systems that experience dynamic effects during cork transfer of a product is a complex engineering task. Impacts adversely affect the fatigue strength of the pipeline and also can lead to the considerable shifts of the pipeline and its falling from supporting frameworks. Assessment of behavior of pipelines and safety of their operation at plug flows requires modeling and the analysis of influence of a plug flow on a mechanical response of the pipeline system.

The work describes the construction of a finite element model of the pipeline expansion loop. The solution of this task in non-linearly statement taking into account contact interaction of pipeline support with building constructions is received. The article presents possible solutions for securing the pipeline in order to exclude the possibility of its withdrawal descent from the supports.

It is shown the necessity of further study of a problem of influence of a plug flow for mechanical behavior of pipelines, study and detailed modeling of hydrodynamic effects. Experimental and operational confirmation of the simulation results will be required, as well as an assessment of the effectiveness of the developed compensator designs in terms of vibrations and displacements of supports arising in actual practice operation of the pipeline system will be required.


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