Development and testing of fluidjet technologies and devices to improve the efficiency of cleaning the bottom of wells

UDK: 622.276.74.05
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2019-1-66-69
Key words: normalization of slaughter, a proppant, a clay-sand plug, jetting nozzles, cavitation
Authors: M.V. Оmelyanyuk (Kuban State Technological University, RF, Armavir), I.A. Рakhlyan (Kuban State Technological University, RF, Armavir), E.N. Zotov (Branch of RN-Service LLC in Krasnodar, RF, Krasnodar)

The number of wells repairs at gas and oil fields in the Krasnodar region is growing from year to year. Each well repair is directly related to the work on cleaning the bottom-hole and wellbore. Before the descent of any downhole equipment, as well as after the hydraulic fracturing, a careful well preparation is required. Reducing the time and financial costs of well operations is one of the urgent tasks for service organizations and subsoil users.

A number of hydrodynamic and cavitation devices have been developed and tested in well conditions at the gas and oil fields of the Krasnodar region, as well as a technology for the normalization of the bottom-hole. These devices and technology differ from the well-known ones by the destruction of cemented sand plugs and "sintered" proppant due to the hydromonitor, erosion effect, as amplitude and frequency oscillations arising at the expiration of high-pressure cavitation jets of the washing liquid. The presence of versions of the injected nozzles with different diameters of the critical section allows to operate the developed device in a wide range of depths of wells and used washing units. The control and regulation of process of destruction of the tubes is carried out during lowering of the lifting operation. The technology is feasible on the regular equipment of well repair teams. Full-scale well studies have confirmed the high efficiency, performance and reliability of this device.


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