Approaches to the modeling carbonate reservoirs in the case of the single deposit

UDK: 622.276.031:53
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2018-12-117-119
Key words: carbonate rock, hydrodynamic simulation, fracture, dual porosity, numerical experiment
Authors: V.V. Denisov (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), A.M. Vagizov (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), N.D. Pozhitkov (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa)

In case of simulating carbonate reservoir with fractured cavernous structure, where fluids flow through a system of fractures, it can be possible to use the dual porosity systems, where matrix contains the main part of fluids in place. It is necessary to know that the properties of the reservoir for fractures and matrix are set separately. Experience shows that there are several features in the process of creating dual porosity/permeability models. Studying the properties of the matrix occurs according to the regulated methods and techniques. As for determining the characteristics of fractures like geometrical dimensions, permeability, productivity, these methods are mostly experimental or based on assumptions. Ultimately it can reduce the quality of simulation results.

In order to optimize the process of hydrodynamic simulation these types of reservoirs, for removing risks of geological structure and inconsistency of laboratory experiments with reservoir conditions (for fractured reservoir), the authors proposed a method for creating and history matching hydrodynamic models as a single porosity. The authors substantiated and applied a number of decisions, which aimed for changing principles of simulation of the reservoir. They were able to reproduce the complex work of matrix and fractures without using dual porosity model. And the main properties of the reservoir defined for a single rock. In the case of the single deposit, has been able to undertake a number of numerical experiments, which confirmed the selected decision.

The article discusses different solutions and tools that allow successful initialization and history matching of the hydrodynamic model of carbonate reservoir without using the dual systems of rock.


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