Prospects for the opening of the hydrocarbon deposits in non-structural traps of Paleo-Volga

UDK: 550.8.012
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2018-5-18-23
Key words: non-structural traps, Volga paleochannel, hydrocarbons deposits, vertical migration, delta of Paleo-Volga, gas anomalies
Authors: V.I. Popkov (Kuban State University, RF, Krasnodar), I.I. Tverdokhlebov (Kuban State University, RF, Krasnodar)

At the area covered by North and Middle Caspian Sea we allocated thick geological body – Paleo-Volga, which extends to the northern border of the Apsheronian basin. Its length is more than 600 km with a width of 10-25 km. There is ample research which testifies that 58 % of deposits are linked with paleochannels. Sediments of paleochannels are represented by interbedding of sands and clays. The formation of hydrocarbon deposits and non-structural traps are associated with the vertical migration of fluids fr om great depths. The article presents the perspective directions of exploration works with a view to identifying hydrocarbons deposits in non-anticlinal traps of Paleo-Volga. We mean sediments Paleo-Volga area, contrasting anomaly associated with paleochannel partial barrier in Samur-Peschanomyssk zone of uplift, and gas anomaly along the border of Khvalynsk-Sarmatian uplift zone.

According to obtained results the following conclusions were made. Paleo-Volga extends from north to south for a great distance. Indirect confirmation of the formation of deposits in the non-anticlinal traps of paleochannel is a fluid accumulation in small depths widely developed in the Northern Caspian Sea.

On the basis of the assumptions of the accumulation of deposits in the sediments of the Paleo-Volga, exploration should be focused in delta of the Paleo-Volga.

We recommend sink a wildcat in zone of contrast anomalies near seismic profile No. 821005 wh ere there is a paleochannel partial barrier in Samur-Peschanomyssk uplift zone. To refine borders of allocated gas anomalies zones which is linearly stretched along the border Khvalynsk-Sarmatian uplift zone it necessary to conduct additional geochemical studies.


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