New data on the geological structure of the oil and gas reservoir in the upper part of the pre-Jurassic complex of the Severo-Varyeganskoye field

UDK: 553.98 (571.1)
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2018-3-13-17
Key words: pre-Jurassic complex, silicide formation, inversion of seismic data, Severo-Varyeganskoye field
Authors: A.N. Fischenko (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen), M.V. Lebedev (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen), M.V. Maznichenko (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen), O.A. Sokolovskaya (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen), R.B. Yanevits (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen)

The productivity of the pre-Jurassic complex of the Severo-Varyeganskoye field was established in 1984 by well No. 1, in which a commercial gas condensate inflow was obtained. And by 1989, 16 exploratory wells were drilled within Severo-Varyeganskoye field, of which commercial hydrocarbons inflows were obtained in 6 wells. The data accumulated to date show, first, the high prospectivity of the object for hydrocarbon development, and second, the extremely complex geological structure of the reservoir.

In previous studies based on new lithological and petrophysical data, the conclusion was made, that the pre-Jurassic reservoirs of the Severo-Varyegan field are mainly associated with the primary sedimentary silicite formation, preserved from erosion within the intra-Paleozoic synclinal folds, probably bounded by faults. The present paper is their continuation. It consistently presents the results of reprocessing and interpretation of newly obtained seismic and geological data. Fore mapping the Paleozoic reservoir, an object-oriented reprocessing of seismic data was carried out. Mainly as a result of the expert approach to suppressing of multiple waves, elements related to the geological structure of the upper part of the pre-Jurassic complex were revealed. To suppress the effects of wave interference, an acoustic inversion of the seismic data was performed. The interpretation of its results revealed that the sufficiently large bodies of the silicite are confidently distinguished.

As a result of the seismic mapping, a system of submeridionaly striked linear silicite’s bodies was identified. It is a geological framework for further exploration and development. It is planned, first, to carry out a synchronous stochastic inversion of seismic data and a quantitative interpretation of its results, and second, to check the geological forecasts by subsequent drilling.


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