New approaches to the simulation of the Achimov deposits on the basis of production-geophysical data on the example of the Tarasovskoye field

UDK: 553.98.001
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2017-11-92-95
Key words: clinocyclites, Achimov horizon, J-function
Authors: A.N. Yantudin, M.V. Rykus, D.S. Dremin, L.U. Tuktamysheva (RN-UfaNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa)

The work is devoted to the search and application of a new approach to modeling Achimov horizon, in order to clarify the geological structure of this horizon. Materials on the Achimov horizon were analyzed and the geological structure of the Tarasovskoye deposit was studied, including its stratigraphy, tectonics and oil and gas content. An analysis of field-geological materials showed the existence of a number of problems associated with the underdevelopment of productive Achimov deposits by drilling and seismic exploration. Such problems include, first of all, the absence of reliable correlation of the clinoform deposits, the absence of dismemberment of the clinocyclites, the uncertainty of the connectedness of sand bodies and their field circuits. All this served as the reason for the search for non-traditional approaches for solving some of the above-mentioned problems, in particular, greater involvement of field-geophysical data and application of the J-function. We approved geological model of Achimov deposits thickness and picture of deposits and traps formation. Analysis of data of a well logging complex result in lithologic differentiation, the porosity coefficient and permeability coefficient were calculated. With the help of several calculations in the Primary program, the oil saturation coefficient was calculated from J-functions on the basis of well logging data. A correlation scheme with clinocyclites Аch01, Аch02, Аch11 was constructed. An analysis of the correlation results, during which a cyclic structure was noted, made it possible to single out the expected boundaries of the clinocyclites: Аch01, Аch02, Аch11, which are the most promising from the oil-bearing point of view. Analyzing the correlation schemes obtained during the calculation of the oil saturation coefficient for the J-function and the in-layer correlation, we conclude that the boundaries of the clinocyclites completely coincide, and thus the proposed technique makes it possible to isolate the boundaries of the clinocyclites.

Based on the data obtained a new geological model was constructed, which is an interlayering of the clinoform beds that are cyclically extended to the west.


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