Evaluation of low-temperature cracking resistance diagrams of steels used in the oil and gas industry

UDK: 669.1.017
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2017-10-116-119
Key words: pipe, low temperature, fracture, toughness, resource, strength, embrittlement, steel, operational factor, crack, critically stress-intensity factor
Authors: R.S. Zaynullin (Institute of Strategic Studies of the Republic of Bashkortostan, RF, Ufa), R.A. Kharisov, A.N. Muhametzyanov (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Ufa)

Pipeline transport of hydrocarbons is an important object of the energy complex of the country, failures of elements which results in huge losses, pollution, and increase the risk to workers and the public. Of particular relevance is the problem of the safety of shell elements of oil and gas equipment of the northern regions, where due to the specific climatic conditions increase the likelihood of brittle failure of their basic elements. Tighter operating conditions and increased the likelihood of shell elements in the walls of overstressed areas calls for development to establish and improve accounting methods to assess the characteristics of safe operation of oil and gas equipment of the northern regions based on the latest advances in fracture mechanics and safety of complex technical systems.

Based on experimental data, the proposed relationship, which allows to make the construction of the dependencies of critical stress intensity on low temperature operating conditions for structural steels of various oil and gas transport.

Settlement and experimentally determined critical stress intensity sought in the calculation of the resource of safe operation of oil and gas pipelines and shell structures.


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