Regulation of rheological properties of weighted grouting solutions during cementing of deep wells under conditions of abnormally high reservoir pressure

UDK: 622.245.422.4
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-5-86-90
Key words: additive, density, cement stone, grouting mortar, cementing, spreadability, rheology, flexibility
Authors: A.R. Deryaev (Scientific Research Institute of Natural Gas of the State Concern Turkmengas, Turkmenistan, Ashgabat)

The continued growth in the volume of prospecting and exploration leads to stricter requirements for the quality of well drilling, regulation of the rheological properties of weighted cement mortars, which is key for ensuring safety, drilling stability and preventing complications, as well as reducing the time to eliminate accidents. The main objective of the study is to study the use of a hyperplasticizer reagent as an additive to cement mortars made of pure portland cement, to obtain weighted solutions of high density with the necessary rheological properties. These grouting solutions are aimed at developing an increase in the spreadability of cement mortar and an increase in the strength of cement stone, which ensures high-quality fastening of casing columns in the intervals of zones with difficult mining and geological conditions and abnormally high pressure in ultra-deep wells. In laboratory conditions, using various instruments and equipment, a study based on standard methods of analysis of grouting mortar and properties of cement stone was carried out with the addition of a hyperplasticizer reagent, which made it possible to plasticize grouting solutions, increase spreadability and make it possible to regulate the density of weighted solutions. In the course of the study, the important results of laboratory tests for regulating the rheological properties of weighted grouting solutions with the addition of a hyperplasticizer reagent were obtained. It was found that the hyperplasticizer reagent effectively plasticizes grouting solutions, increasing their spreadability and reducing the water-cement ratio, which leads to the formation of a cement stone with increased strength. The results of industrial testing of the reagent during cementing of the production column in one of the wells confirmed the possibility of preparing a weighted slurry with a density of 2,40 g/cm3, thereby ensuring the successful performance of cementation work under high pressure conditions. This research justifying the use of a hyperplasticizer reagent in weighted cement mortars will be of great importance in well completion, and will also lead to an improvement in the quality of the cementing technology and reliable fastening of casing columns, especially in difficult mining and geological conditions of areas with abnormally high reservoir pressures, thereby improving the creation of high-strength cement stones while drilling of wells.


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