Justifying the drilling cost to improve the quality of hydrocarbon reservoir engineering

UDK: 622.24.08.003
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-5-80-85
Key words: drilling cost, well cost, specific standard, volume of profitable reserves, price groups of wells, actual drilling costs of the subsoil user, design of development of hydrocarbon deposits, project document
Authors: V.V. Traise (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen; Industrial University of Tyumen, RF, Tyumen), A.S. Lebedeva (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen), P.S. Maslovskikh (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen), D.V. Grandov (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen)

The article is devoted to the issues of justifying the unit cost of well construction when preparing project documents for the development of hydrocarbon deposits. Existing approaches to calculating capital investments for drilling wells are reviewed and analyzed, and the main disadvantages and advantages are identified. The analysis carried out by the authors showed that the actual drilling costs of the subsoil user differ significantly from the calculated ones, which significantly affects the assessment of drilling costs and the assessment of the volume of economically recoverable reserves. In order to increase the accuracy of calculations, the authors made proposals for improving approaches to justifying the cost of drilling. The article discusses the main types of services and cost items that form the cost of well drilling, and shows the structure of drilling costs in various geographic regions. Based on the analysis, the main drivers for each cost item that forms the cost of well construction were identified. The authors propose to use price groups of wells when justifying the cost of drilling, which increases the justification of the projected investment in drilling. A practical example shows the calculation of the cost of well drilling, a comparative analysis of the use of various approaches is made, on the basis of which the authors conclude that the maximum correspondence of the projected costs to the actual data is ensured by the approach proposed by the authors. As an evidence base, an example is considered showing the change in the volume of profitable reserves, capital investments, income of the subsoil user and the state over a profitable period using the traditional approach to justifying the cost of wells drilling proposed by the authors.


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