To protect the anticorrosive coatings of pipelines from external mechanical influences, a significant number of different variants of protective coatings of the pipeline surface are currently used. When choosing the protective coating required for the laying conditions of a particular project, developers take into account a large number of variable factors that affect the safety of the pipeline and ensure the reliability of the protective structure at all stages of its construction and operation. The alternative protective structures used in practice are made of various materials and, in terms of their strength characteristics, are designed to solve both local problems of protecting part of the pipeline and protecting the pipeline as a whole, including butt joint zones. To obtain the design characteristics, such structures require the use of specialized application technologies and have, accordingly, various protective properties. At the same time, the industry does not systematize the required characteristics of protective coatings, which they must have in order to reliably compensate for external influences on the pipeline. The article provides the analysis of the factors affecting the effectiveness of pipeline corrosion protection and suggests an algorithm for analyzing various pipeline protection options based on a factorial comparison of protection effectiveness parameters using the Ishikawa diagram. To systematize the characteristics of protective coatings the most significant problems in the pipeline protection system from mechanical influences were identified.
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