Processing and test of turbulent viscosity reducing additive with nanocomponents

UDK: 665.7.035.6
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2017-4-117-120
Key words: oil, flow properties, viscosity reducing, turbulent viscosity reducing additives (or anti-turbulent additives), hydraulic resistance, diesel fuel fraction, Reynolds number
Authors: G.I. Dusmetova, A.V. Sharifullin, E.V. Kharitonov (Kazan National Research Technological University, RF, Kazan) V.N. Sharifullin (Kazan State Power Engineering University, RF, Kazan)

Modern requirements for turbulent viscosity reducing additives involve certain flexibility: a combination of viscous and anti-turbulent properties while maintaining the stability to various types of destruction. Currently in use additives do not fully comply with these requirements.

We developed a composition (additive) consisting of nanoparticles (20-30 nm), low molecular weight polymer and surface-active substance Reapon-4V. The action of adsorption forces of leads to formation of new linear structure of pseudo-polymer with a higher molecular weight than the starting polymer. The higher molecular weight of the polymer is the greater flow resistance decreases. On the other hand the additive having a very high molecular weight is unstable to mechanical degradation. We have developed a composition more resistant to mechanical degradation due to the effect of the periodic destruction and restoration of the structure. Initially, the polymer is adsorbed on the nanoparticle surface, forming a new linear structure of high molecular weight, and thereby a reduction in flow turbulence and as a result, reducing hydrodynamic drag. Passing through the pseudo-polymer pump, breaks down. Then, in a stream of moving fluid again, polymer adsorption occurs again on the surface of nanocomponents and the formation of "macromolecules". The presence of surface-active substance, together with the polymer allows this dispersed system be in the steady aggregation state, without allowing nanocomponents particles to coagulate in the solution. It was established that the synthesized additive with nanocomponents we have, under turbulent flow stream acts as an anti-turbulent and as a viscous. The effect of additives, due to decreased viscosity of the medium, appears greater at temperatures close to 0 °C and in small pumping velocities.

Additive comprising of nanocomponents is effective "viscose" properties at low shear rates, thus reducing the energy consumption at the initial stage of movement of oil (in laminar and transitional mode). The action of nanocomponents in reducing viscosity decreases with increasing turbulence flow.

Hydrodynamic efficiency of developed additives with nanocomponents is higher than that of industrial anti-turbulent M-FLOWTREAT additives for a diesel fraction. It can be assumed that on oils (a more viscose medium) this difference will be more


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