A refinement of the PZ-object geological model based on the geological and geophysical data analysis

UDK: 551.2(553.98)
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2017-4-26-30
Key words: oil and gas reservoir, pre-Jurassic basement, the foundation formation, seismic prospecting, fault, fracture, well productivity, geological model
Authors: A.P. Kondakov, S.R. Bembel, A.I. Tseplyaeva (Tyumen Branch of SurgutNIPIneft, RF, Tyumen)

Features of geological structure of one of the most perspective oil deposit of Krasnoleninsk arch in Western Siberia, associated with the formation of the basement, are considered. A refinement of the geological model and PZ-object reservoir were carried out on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of seismic prospecting and well testing data and conceptions about the nature of the fracture zones spreading, so an increase of the geological reserve value of the deposit by more than 30% is expected. The main method of such hydrocarbon deposit exploration is 3D seismic prospecting with oilfield and core research.

As the authors recommended, the additional perforation of productive intervals of one of the wells was carried out and the hydraulic fracturing was performed. Recent geophysical and oilfield investigations have shown that the main well stream corresponds to the interval, recommended for additional perforation, which is below than previously executed perforations for all wells. Realized sampling indicated the potential productivity of the lower intervals of the PZ-object. As a result of the work the guidelines for additional perforation of lower intervals of PZ-object in several wells were made.

For effective exploration of these objects the information about natural fractures and faults is required. Its basis is a comprehensive analysis of the seismic prospecting and logging data, as well as the results of the usage of advanced methods of its petrophysical interpretation, and finally, the drilling materials.


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