The main cause of oil pollution of soils is the emergency situations within oil production, transportation and processing in the boundaries of industrial sites of chemical and petrochemical industries. Oil pollution leads to the deterioration of the agrophysic soil characteristics, namely to the dysfunction of the water, air, thermal, oxidation-reduction and nutrient regimens. Thus, it is necessary to develop the effective methods of oil pollution elimination which permit to restore the original state of soils.
The long-term investigations` results of the bioremediation of oil-polluted soils in the control conditions of bioreactor are presented in the current article (namely the change of the microbiocoenosis within the process and agrophysic characteristics of refined soils). Received data are the base for the bioreactor construction which allows providing the necessary aeration regimen for substratum, preventing substratum` blocking property, securing optimal conditions of vital functions for hydrocarbon microorganisms.
The application of the bioreactor technology permitted to reduce the bioremediation terms to 60±10 days in case of the soil pollution more than 90 g/kg, and to 20±5 days in case of pollution less than 40 g/kg. With the application of developed bioreactor the treatment efficiency made up 90,0±5% (in case of high level of soil pollution (more than 90 g/kg). In case of middle level pollution (less than 40 g/kg) the efficiency amounted to 70,0±10%.The realization of the developed bioreactor technology for the bioremediation is probable on any territory. This is determined by the bioremediation independence from the nature and climate factors of territory. Bioreactor technology is characterized by reduction of terms of bioremediation by increasing the rates of oxidation of hydrocarbons in a bioreactor in the 40-60 times.References
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