Testing a new approach to petrophysical trend determination from X-Ray tomography

UDK: 550.822.3
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2017-2-36-40
Key words: X-ray tomography (MCT), porosity, permeability, virtual cubes
Authors: I.V. Yazynina, E.V. Shelyago, A.A. Abrosimov (Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University), RF, Moscow), O.N. Veremko (LUKOIL-Engineering LLC, RF, Moscow), E.A. Grachev, D.A. Bikulov (Lomonosov Moscow State University, RF, Moscow)

Paper presents existing possibilities for calculation of reservoir properties from X-ray tomography (MCT) data. Basic problems at hydrodynamic modeling stage are: agreement between calculation and laboratory measurements; insufficient memory of graphics processors needed to perform calculations.

Paper is devoted to testing of a new approach for calculation of reservoir rock properties based on MCT data. Main idea is allocation of several fragments of porous medium (virtual cubes) for each 3D rock model, calculation of reservoir properties for each virtual cube and plotting petrophysical relationship. Flow calculations are carried out on small-sized virtual cubes that are allocated using sample’s lithology characteristics. New techniques are available to personal computers users. Our decision is especially important for studying of small (non-representative) collection of core material, poorly consolidated core samples. Paper also presents a comparison of the calculated and laboratory measured dependencies between porosity and permeability for deposits of various oil and gas provinces.

We present that using of novel approach allows receiving "porosity - permeability" dependencies inside one physical rock sample. Calculated values for several core samples allow obtaining data array that is close to actual laboratory measured values for the whole geological object. Scaling procedure for flow processes at micro- and macroscale is verified by the fact, that calculated values for little virtual cubes have strong bonds with measured values received in laboratory for plug samples.


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