The efficiency increasing program of oil and gas industry

UDK: 338:665.612
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2017-2-13-17
Key words: stocks, investments, methods of increasing efficiency, the volume of oil and gas
Authors: I.V. Burenina, V.V. Biryukova, E.V. Evtushenko, D.V. Kotov E.M. Abutalipova, A.N. Avrenyuk (Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, RF, Ufa)
The proposed methodological approach to the formation of programs to improve the efficiency of oil and gas production in contrast to the existing includes: programs improve the efficiency of oil and gas production and the algorithm of formation programs management, economic and mathematical tools, which allows to take into account the strategic and tactical objectives of the enterprise development in the operation fields late stage of development. It has been shown that most of the reserves of commercial categories are in already developed fields with developed industrial infrastructure. Companies operating in the ‘Exploration and Production’ segment faced with the problem of depletion of the extremely high costs of exploration and production. This key point strategy for effective development of oil and gas companies is to create an environment allowing for effective interaction of all personnel, processes and technology required to optimize the financing of measures to enhance the cost effectiveness of solutions. Multi-criteria approach makes it possible to take into account the whole range of interests (goals) of the enterprise and provide it with sufficient information to make the best decision. Considering this factor, we proposed a methodical approach to economic evaluation and optimization of the structure of the budget of technical and economic measures (TEM). Based on the identified priorities of the dependencies can be placed between TEM complexes formed by the nature of work. In accordance with the priorities selected, the size can be determined by investment in each direction TEM. The proposed multi-criteria model allows to take into account investment: funding constraints limit the activities included in the portfolio; limiting the objectives pursued by the enterprise; TEM to take into account interoperability; costs associated with the change in portfolio composition; influence of environment on the results of the portfolio and other aspects


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