A new direction of exploration of oil deposits on the Bobrovsko-Pokrovsky arch

UDK: 553.98.061.32
Key words: searching for new prospect, upper Devonian carbonate complex, barrier reefs, seal, trap, resources
Authors: V.A. Shakirov, Yu.I. Nikitin, A.P. Vilesov, D.E. Deryushev, K.F. Miropoltsev (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen
The article shows the prospects of search new deposits in the Western part of Bobrovsko-Pokrovsky arch within Buzuluk license area. The main source for the analysis is the results of many years of work of the departments of development, exploration and research center of core in TNNC LLC, providing fields of Orenburgneft JSC. A survey of geologic data was made and prospective reservoirs were determined. Up to 2016 it was considered that a large part of Bobrovsko-Pokrovsky arch, especially its western part, not very promising for the search of oil deposits in carbonate upper Devonian. This belief was confirmed by negative test results. It should be noted that all tests were conducted in the most high amplitude morphologically expressed structures, and, as it turned out, hypsometrically a high-positioned layers are not always productive. The spatial distribution of barrier reefs in the middle Famennian – Zavolzhsky and early Famennian age was predicted in this work. The range of oil-bearing deposits, confined to the reefs of different ages was revised. Areas for the search of new deposits in the Zavolzhsky and Middle Famennian sediments were recognized and predicted. According to comparison analysis of the prospects of search for new deposits for conversions and inclusion, the Visean epoch is the most preferable at all fields of Bobrovsko-Pokrovsky arch. The Famennian sediments are the most prospects for reserves and production. The productivity of these reservoirs can be confirmed only by drilling wells. The sidetrack deeping at the Tananykskoye field was due to new pool discovery in upper Famennian sediments. The use of the identified patterns will allow to increase the efficiency of exploration. This is the reason for a new and promising direction of search of oil deposits on Bobrovsko-Pokrovsky arch in the fields controlled by lower Famennian reefs.


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