Evaluation of a multiplicative effect from implementing the well intervention actions in Vietsovpetro JV

UDK: 622.276.I/.4.04
Key words: well lifetime, multiplicative effect, breakeven point, new technology implementation
Authors: L. Avdeeva, A. Khomenko (Vietsovpetro JV, the Socialist Republic Vietnam, Vung Tau)

Most of the fields, developed by Vietsovpetro JV are in the stage of declining production. In order to improve field development efficiency the company annually realizes programs on searching, testing and implementing the new technologies, aimed on enhancing oil recovery and production stimulation starting from well engineering and construction phase and throughout their life-time. Under such conditions determination of a correct method for the cost-effectiveness analysis of well intervention activities is critical.

Conventional approach to analyse cost-efficiency of the new technology assumes calculation of a net cash flow from implementation of each separate well activity. However, such method is insufficient, since it doesn’t estimate the impact effect from such activity to the multiplicative effect obtained from well operation during the life-time.

Multiplicative effect study base includes such wells, which fully expired their life-time at the moment, what means they were physically abandoned. Vietsovpetro counts only 24 wells which expired their life-time up to now. Based on conducted analysis it is proposed to accept the breakeven point as the new technology implementation criterion, which shall be determined by comparison of multiplicative effect from well operation, new technology implementation cost-efficiency and multiplicative effect after implementation of the technology.

To estimate multiplicative effect the breakeven point algorithm of well interventions and new technology implementation have been developed, including revealed regularities among production objects.

The case of Vietsovpetro JV describes the evaluation method of the multiplicative effect from implementing the well intervention actions during the whole well lifetime. The proposed approach provides for the detailed evaluation of the economic effect impact from implementing the new technology on multiplicative effect value, which obtained from the well operation during its life-time.
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