Ways of improvement of reservoir completion efficiency

UDK: 662.276.245.142
Key words: well completion, underbalanced perforation, perforation under borehole pump, penetration, monitoring
Authors: I.N. Gaivoronskiy (VNIPIvzryvgeofizika JSC, RF, Ramenskoe), V.I. Kostitsyn, A.D. Savich (Perm State National Research University, RF, Perm), I.A. Chernykh (LUKOIL-PERM LLC, RF, Perm), A.V. Shumilov (Permneftegeofizika PJSC, RF, Perm)

This article contains the current issues of reservoir completion quality improvement. Based on the analysis of existing perforation technologies and equipment this publication aims to review the possibilities of their application from the point of production efficiency of blasting-perforation operations that may increase or significantly reduce well characteristics. In addition, it describes the experience of innovative reservoir completion technologies application in the fields of the Perm region.

This paper shows that the perforating and blasting equipment existing in Russia today can effectively solve the problem of reservoir completion in all geological and technical conditions of its operation. At the same time there are problems with the methodological and technological support, which the designers and manufacturers of perforating and blasting equipment practically pass by. As a result, there are no evidence-based guidelines on the determination of key perforation parameters for different types of reservoirs and its porosity and permeability properties, including the choice of density, static and dynamic underbalance. The publication presents reasonable guidelines for choosing the perforation density, which range may vary between 6 - 24 holes per length unit.

The developed innovative reservoir completion technology, which is based on the running of a hammer drill under downhole pumping equipment and the elimination of additional well killing operations, significantly reduced the time of well development and increased the production rate. These technologies are an ideal platform for the implementation of new well completion methods aimed to obtain the maximum well efficiency. On this basis the dynamic underbalanced perforation techniques development and the directions of reservoir and equipment operation monitoring, including by means of fiber-optic systems, will get the priority development and implementation.


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