The determination of morphological heredity of alluvial deposits of Tyumen suite at oil fields on western slope of Surgut arch

Authors: P.S. Litvinenko, M.E. Pilyugin (Oil and Gas Production Department Surgutneft, Surgutneftegas OAO, RF, Surgut), V.I. Ilyushchenko (Oil and Gas Production Department Surgutneft Fedorovskneft, Surgutneftegas OAO, RF, Surgut)

Key words: alluvial deposits, structural factor, facial analysis, morphological heredity.

A new integrating approach to the research of complex structure middle Jurassic alluvial deposits is proposed in the article. The research is based on the allocation in the formation genetically homogeneous time transgressive facies (by means of electrometric facial analysis). It is also focused on the assessment of influence over structural factor on lateral distribution of the deposits. This methodology provides effective planning of the exploration and production drilling activities.
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